Our premed advising track record: For the past 15 years, our Cracking BS MD Admissions team has helped thousands of students get into competitive colleges and medical schools. Our team will help guide you to discover your passions and take your activities to the next level. What do we mean? If you love biochemistry, we’ll help you find a research lab or pharmaceutical company to intern with. And then we will help you with your poster presentations. If you love global health, we can help you start and grow organizations. Basically, we can take your interests and help you develop them.
To give you a glimpse of how we have helped our pre-meds who used our premed advising package:
– Select classes
– Choose majors
– Apply and get accepted to summer internships
– Find summer internships, such as research positions, and help students with applications
– Advise with research projects
– Help students find conferences to present at
– Ideate and provide feedback for conference posters and presentations
– Strategize extra-curricular activities tailored to the student’s passions and interests
– Excel in extra-curricular activities and gain leadership positions
– Start organizations, including non-profits
– Generate press so you can get recognized for your work
Why we are different:
– We are really, really good at taking your activities to the next level
– We think out-of-the-box when it comes to choosing activities and making you stand out from other applicants
– Our students are our mentees. They email and contact us throughout the process with whatever questions, concerns, and exciting updates they have.
How Pre-Med Advising works:
We let the student and parents decide how much advising they want. We advise hour-by-hour. Students typically have a one to two one-hour advising session with us each quarter.
Have questions? Email us at he***@bs*******.com“>he***@bs*******.com or fill out any contact form on our website