Ace Your MMI Interviews
A 1 Week Step-By-Step Course To Ace Your Multiple Mini Interviews
Hi Medical School Applicants!
My name is Dr. Rachel Rizal, and I’ll be your instructor for the “Mastering The Multiple Mini Interview” course.
Are you worried about doing well on your medical school Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)? Don’t worry, I was too.
I was part of Stanford Medical School’s first batch of medical student applicants who went through the MMI interview process. “How do I stand out? What’s the best way to answer MMI questions? What if there are actors in the room and I have to role play? What if I blank out when I meet an interviewer? Can I prepare for my MMI?”
These questions – and more – were swimming in my head… similar questions that you may be having right now as your MMI interview is fast approaching.
Luckily, I got accepted to Stanford School of Medicine!
Fast forward a few years, and I became an interviewer for Stanford Multiple Mini Interviews. I learned how to differentiate between GOOD versus GREAT versus STELLAR medical student applicants. I have been in both your shoes and the interviewer’s shoes.
Which is why, I created this Multiple Mini Interview course! I want to help YOU succeed and shine during YOUR interview day. I will help you get STELLAR MMI scores!
For the past few years, I coached and prepared pre-meds to ace their MMIs. And they have been very successful!
These are some of the medical schools with Multiple Mini Interviews that our premed students have been accepted to:
Don’t leave a medical school acceptance to chance.
Enroll for our Cracking Med School Admissions online course and do a full-length mock interview and feedback session with Dr. Rachel Rizal or Dr. Rishi Mediratta.
1) Cracking Med School Admissions’ step-by-step approach to answer different types of MMI scenarios
2) Practice with 9 timed MMI interview questions with a sample student response and feedback
3) High-yield secrets to stand out during your interview day.
4) Critical and detailed feedback during your mock interview.
5) Mock interview tailored towards the medical school you are interviewing with.
What Is The Multiple Mini Interview? (2:05)
Traditional Interviews vs Multiple Mini Interviews (1:50)
Why Did Medical Schools Transition To Multiple Mini Interviews? (1:28)
What Is The MMI Format? (2:46)
How Are MMIs Scored? (1:56)
Types of MMI Questions (1:01)
HIGH YIELD – The 4 S’s (Boost Your MMI Score) (8:52)
Top 10 Current Events You Need To Know For Interview Day (8:49)
Practice Scenario – Current Events 1 (7:53)
Feedback & Sample Response – Current Events 1 (13:54)
Practice Scenario – Current Events 2 (7:36)
Feedback & Sample Response – Current Events 2 (14:09)
DOWNLOAD: Cracking Med School Admissions Current Events Guides – super HIGH YIELD!
Team-Based Scenarios 101 (2:46)
How To Give Directions During Team Scenarios (5:57)
Practice Scenario – Team Scenario (7:05)
How To Receive Directions During Team Scenarios (1:43)
Crash Course On Medical Ethics (7:40)
Practice – Ethics Scenario 1 (9:24)
Feedback & Sample Response – Ethics 1 (7:13)
Practice Scenario – Ethics 2 (9:19)
Feedback & Sample Response – Ethics 2 (9:41)
What Are Traditional-Style Interview Questions? (4:52)
How To ACE Traditional-Style Questions (7:05)
Practice Scenario – Traditional-style Question 1 (7:37)
Feedback & Sample Response – Traditional-style Question 1 (9:22)
Practice Scenario – Traditional-style Question 2 (7:24)
Feedback & Sample Response – Traditional-style Question 2 (10:17)
Situational MMI Scenarios 101 (5:06)
Practice Scenario – Situational Question 1 (7:39)
Feedback & Sample Response – Situational Question 1 (10:31)
Practice Scenario – Situational Question 2 (7:34)
Feedback & Sample Response – Situational Question 2 (12:01)
Get all the information you need to stand out during your Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). Learn tips and tricks to get extra points during your Multiple Mini Interviews.
Understand how to tackle several types of interview scenarios:
Practice real-time with MMI questions. See sample responses and feedback about what makes a good interview response versus a great interview response.
After you complete the course and practice MMI questions on your own, you will schedule a mock MMI with Dr. Rachel Rizal. She will give you critical feedback about your responses and coach you to become an exceptional MMI interviewer.
We push you towards excellence with every single part of your application, including your interviews. Med school interviews are EXTREMELY important. The more preparation you have, the better.
The Cracking Med School Admissions team members are seasoned interviewers and seasoned interviewees. We will fine tune your interview skills so you stand out from the competitive pool of applicants.
We are medical school and residency interviewers. From personal experience, we know what makes people shine during interviews.
We have also been interviewed for top medical schools, prestigious internships, and scholarship programs. We’ll help you not only be a strong interview applicant, but a fantastic one.
Select and purchase the Multiple Mini Interview course created by Drs. Rachel Rizal and Rishi Mediratta.
After you purchase you package, send us your AMCAS and secondary applications via email so we can start reviewing and strategizing your application.
We will then schedule your mock interview.
After your mock interview we will send you our notes and recommendations on where you can improve your interview skills and preparation and stand out against your peers. You can schedule additional mock interviews with us.
– Access to the MMI course during the entire application cycle, including the mock practice questions
– 1 mock interview with Dr. Rachel Rizal or Dr. Rishi Mediratta
In addition, you will also get access to these Cracking Med School Admissions resources:
– Live question & answer sessions with Dr. Rizal
– FREE Cracking Med School Admissions book
– FREE Cracking Med School Admissions 2020 Current Events Guide
– Unlimited email access to Dr. Rizal and Dr. Mediratta
Medical school interview invites are sometimes given 2 weeks before the interview date! Knowing this, the Cracking Med School Admissions team developed the course so you can leisurely go through the modules AND boost your interview score in less than a week. Based on other medical school applicants who took the course, it takes about 2-3 days to complete the entire course. But, if you want to do all the modules in 1 day, then you can go through all of them.
You will prepare with the best coaches, Drs. Rachel Rizal and Rishi Mediratta!
Once you purchase the course, you will get a link to the course. You can email us at in**@cr*******************.com to schedule a mock interview.
Please email Dr. Rachel Rizal any additional questions you have at in**@cr*******************.com. I am here to guide you through the medical school admissions process, and I am always happy to help! 🙂
Dr. Rizal was an interviewer for Stanford Medical School’s Multiple Mini Interviews and Princeton undergraduate interviews.
Dr. Mediratta has been an interviewer for Rhodes / Marshall Scholarships.
Our team prepped students for interviews for 50+ different medical schools over the years.
Drs. Mediratta and Rizal also love interviewing and discovering ways to stand out — we’ve played the piano and beat-boxed during our own interviews!
Yes, we prepare you on how to do well for any type of medical interview. The interview stations and interview questions we ask you during your mock interview is tailored towards the specific school you will be interviewing at.
Our students work with us to prepare for BOTH Multiple Mini Interviews and traditional interviews. For each type of interview, students typically do 1-4 mock interviews. The more practice you have with us, the more we can refine your skills!
We have seen this hybrid format more frequently over the years. The hybrid traditional interview / MMI circuit can look like this:
The Mastering the Multiple Mini Interview course will prepare you for ALL types of interview styles! The purpose of the course is to not tell you how to answer specific questions. Rather, the purpose is to teach you how to approach all types of scenarios and questions given to you during interview day. Oftentimes, traditional one-on-one interviews and panel interviews have a few ethical scenarios, traditional common questions, and behavioral questions. Again, you’ll learn how to give responses that stand out through this course!
There are no common questions for Multiple Mini Interviews. The course covers the breath of types of questions (i.e. ethics, traditional, situational, current events, team-based) that could be asked on your interview day. We do tailor the MMI interview questions during our mock interview to reflect that types of questions asked at the specific medical school MMI circuit you will be interviewing at.