College Interview Preparation

Stand Out With Advice From Physician Medical School Interview Experts

Our Students Are Regularly Accepted At These Top Universities

Meet Your Interview Coaches

We Personally Advise Every Student We Work With

Rishi Mediratta, MD, MSc, MA

Rishi Mediratta, M.D., M.Sc., M.A.

Advising students to attend their dream schools

Johns Hopkins University

Medical School

Rachel Rizal, MD

Rachel Rizal, M.D.

Changing the trajectory of people’s lives

Princeton University

Medical School

Kevin Li - Cracking Med School Admissions

Kevin Li

Inspiring students to think anything is possible

University of California, Los Angeles

Medical School
University of California, San Francisco


We tell you what nobody else can or will about your current interview skills.

We push you towards excellence with every single part of your application, including your interviews. Med school interviews are EXTREMELY important. The more preparation you have, the better.

The Cracking Med School Admissions team members are seasoned interviewers and seasoned interviewees. We will fine tune your interview skills so you stand out from the competitive pool of applicants.

We are medical school and residency interviewers. From personal experience,  we know what makes people shine during interviews.

We have also been interviewed for top medical schools, prestigious internships, and scholarship programs.  We’ll help you not only be a strong interview applicant, but a fantastic one.

How It Works

Choose Your Package

MMI Online Course with Mock-Interview

MMI Course Details:

Get all the information you need to stand out during your Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). Learn tips and tricks to get extra points during your Multiple Mini Interviews.

Understand how to tackle several types of interview scenarios:

  • Ethical
  • Team
  • Current Events
  • Traditional Questions
  • Situational

Practice real-time with MMI questions. See sample responses and feedback about what makes a good interview response versus a great interview response.

Mock MMI – Medical School Interview
After you complete the course and practice MMI questions on your own, you will schedule a mock MMI with Dr. Rachel Rizal. She will give you critical feedback about your responses and coach you to become an exceptional MMI interviewer.

*Each medical school mock interview will be tailored towards each med school’s MMI.*

1 mock interview with the Cracking BS MD Admissions team

Choose between 1 mock MMI interview or 1 mock traditional medical school interview. 

Each interview coaching session will include a mock interview, feedback, and additional practice. 

Want to be coached by Stanford, Harvard, and UCSF-trained physicians who have mastered the art of medical school interviews?

For traditional interviews, we will study your primary & secondary applications and tailor your mock interview.

From personal experience, we know what makes people shine during interviews. We know the mistakes to avoid during the interview. Interviews can make or break your medical school acceptances, and we are here to help prepare you to ace your interviews.

4 mock interviews with the Cracking BS MD Admissions team

This package includes 4 mock medical school interviews.

Go from average to excellent with the help of Cracking Med School Admissions interview coaches. 

In the beginning stages of interview preparation, we will brainstorm and practice responses with you. We will help you hone which extra-curricular activities and experiences to use during your medical school interview.

Ready to refine and polish your interview skills? The Cracking Med School Admissions team will grill you with common and tough interview questions. You will not only be extremely prepared for interview day, but we will also coach you until you stand out among the competitive pool of medical school applicants.

$1196 $1099

Frequently Asked Questions

We have an extremely strong track record of medical school acceptances.

Common acceptances our students receive are from these universities:

  • Harvard
  • Stanford
  • Yale
  • Princeton
  • Cornell
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Brown
  • Columbia
  • Case Western
  • Boston University
  • New York University (NYU)
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • University of California, San Diego
  • University of Southern California
  • Georgetown
  • George Washington
  • University of Florida

DO Schools: Western, Lincoln Memorial, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Alabama College, Burrell College, VCOM-Virginia

Keep in mind that we help students coming from varying pre-medical journeys. Our youngest advisee was 18-years-old when she applied to medical school and our oldest applicant was in his 40’s. We’ve coached postbacc students, non-traditional students, college juniors going directly to medical school, nationally and internationally-ranked athletes.

World class advisers: We help our students achieve their dreams. We’ve studied applications almost our entire lives. Drs. Rizal and Mediratta are inspired by our peers who achieve at the highest levels in clinical medicine, research, public health, public policy, business, writing, and art. We share their experiences and lessons with you. 

No word limits and character limits: Almost every other college consulting service will have word and character counts for what counts as “1 essay edit.” We do not believe in that. Please read our “no word limits, really” FAQ response for details about why we have this philosophy.

Passion and Dedication: Mentoring and advising is a high priority for us, because we love it so much. We are actively engaged in the community and give talks about “how to get into medical school” at undergraduate universities, premed organizations, and postbacc programs across the United States. Our advisers are the best mentors and coaches you’ll find. 

Teaching Experience: We’ve taught high school students, undergraduates, and graduate students in subjects ranging from medicine to leadership to basic science to public policy to public health.  Why does this matter?  We’re invested in your growth. We don’t tell you what to do, and instead, we know how to teach and coach you to become better. Check out a feature about Dr. Mediratta’s COVID-19 course at Stanford here

Leadership skills and development: We know what it takes to get to the top and to win. We’ve been teaching high school students leadership skills for the past 15 years. We’ll be transferring these same skills that helped us and our mentees to be successful to YOU!

Ample Experience: Dr. Mediratta and Dr. Rizal have read over 20,000 college, medical school, and scholarship essays! It’s in your best interest to work with advisers who have read thousands of essays so that you do not submit generic responses.

Unique Essays: We will make sure that each of your medical school secondary application essays is tailored to your personal interests and strengths. This is how we make sure each person is unique.

School Specific: Our previous students attend medical schools across the United States, including the top 10 medical schools. We know their experiences, extracurricular activities, and ups and downs. Why is this important to your med school secondaries? We apply this knowledge to your BS MD applications and individual college supplemental applications. We understand the curriculum, culture, and unique opportunities available at each of the universities we will help you with.

No word limits and character limits: When we help you with through each school’s medical school essay edit, we want to read all your essays without word and character limits. Don’t worry about limits and number of revisions. We have your back the entire process from brainstorming to final editing! 

Lifelong mentorship: Because we view our advising as a lifelong mentorship, we keep in touch with many of our students throughout their medical careers. We want the skills we teach you during the medical school application cycle to be applied to your medical school career, residency, and future jobs. Several of our mentees have joined us in residencies at Harvard and Stanford hospitals.

Dr. Rachel Rizal and Rishi Mediratta will be your application coaches. We love mentoring and advising! 🙂 We see ourselves as your mentors for life. Many of our students who have worked with us for their medical school applications are now our advisees for residency applications. 

Yes! Our medical school essay editing service does not include word limits and character limits. Our philosophy is that each medical school secondary application you submit for a particular school needs to be as strong as it can be. We are committed to helping you put your best foot forward towards each medical school, and we don’t want to limit your chances based on word or character count.

For the 2019-2020 application cycle, Duke Medical School had 7 500-word essays plus 3 additional optional essays. We will not count that as multiple secondaries. Many other schools have more than 4 essay prompts, and we want to make sure all your medical school essays complement each other.

Finally, another reason we stick to our no limit philosophy is that we want to encourage students to apply to special programs. For instance, many students will apply to University of California PRIME (Programs In Medical Education) programs because they have a particular interest in global health, public health, and underserved communities. Therefore, our medical school secondary essay editing review includes optional essays and unique program essays.

We aim to turnaround your personal statement and secondary essay edits within 48-72  hours. We check emails constantly, so we will answers the questions you have promptly.

We will ask you details about your college, BS MD, or scholarship interview. What school? What’s the interview format? When is your interview?

Then, we will schedule a mock interview with you over video chat.

Each mock interview is 60 to 75 minutes. During this time, we will ask you several questions and give you our frank and direct feedback. If we need to practice some responses again and again, we can do so. This interview preparation is personalized and tailored for each student to shine!

Working with us is a great investment because we have helped students win several scholarships, making college cheaper!

This is a select list of scholarships our advisees have won:

  • Intel Science Talent Search
  • Coca-Cola Scholars
  • Cameron Impact Scholarship
  • AXA Achievement Scholarship
  • UC Berkeley Regents Scholarship
  • Cal Alumni Leadership Scholarship
  • UCLA Regents Scholarship
  • UCLA Alumni Scholarship
  • Fulbright Fellowships
  • Truman Scholarship

Here is a selection list of special University programs we’ve helped students win:

  • Columbia University – John Jay Scholars
  • University of Pennsylvania / Wharton: Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology
  • University of California Honors Programs
  • COPE Health Scholars

Real Student Testimonials

How Can We Help You ?

Every year, we coach students just like you to get into the Top Universities and BS MD programs!

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